
* Rosa Luxembourg Foundation

* Comité Catholique contre la Faim et pour le Développement - Terre Solidaire /CCFD

* New Israel Fund (NIF)

* Bader Philanthropies (Mubadarat)

* A.M. Qattan Foundation

* The British Shalom/Salam Trust BSST

* Anne Frank Foundation

* U.S.Middle East Partnership Initiative /MEPI

* Swiss Embassy

* Kathryn Ames Foundation

* Hadassah Foundation

* Sparkplug Foundation

* Movies That Matter

* The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)

* Al Taawon

* Tzadik Foundation

* New Fund for T.V and Cinema

* Environmentally Sustainable Projects, an Initiative of SIPP

* The Ministry of Culture

* Ajeec

* Poalim in the community